Aproccor, Honduras
Origin_ Copan, Honduras
Roast_ medium light
Acidity_ low
Tastes like_ dark chocolate, brownie, dried fig, walnut
Aproccor is a certified Fair Trade and Organic coffee association with a holistic approach to producing coffee. They place an importance on improving their community by economically empowering their members, educating their youth and positively impacting the environment. Through quality initiatives like improved processing, and the construction of solar dryers, Aproccor has been able to achieve high quality standards. A noteworthy project initiated by Aproccor is based on crop diversification to achieve food security and alternative sources of income for the coffee producers in the group.
Each of the members of Aproccor picks cherries on their respective farms and brings them to a centralized wet mill for processing. As an organization, Aproccor has protocols and parameters in place to ensure that the coffee cherries are picked at optimal maturity. Once picked, they are floated in water to remove the lower-density cherries, and then hand sorted. The cherries are then de-pulped at the central wet mill, fermented in tanks, and washed before finally being dried on raised beds in the shade.
Farm_ various
Process_ washed
Elevation_ 1300m
Varietal_ parinema, icatu, lempira, noventa